
ArcPad.BT.Go Back To Previous Extent 返回上一次範圍下拉清單

 Go Back To Previous Extent 返回上一個範圍
Zoom back to the previous extent you were using. 返回你上一次使用的地圖顯示範圍
Zoom back to the previous extent you were using
Step1 點選[返回上一個範圍]
Zoom back to the previous extent you were using
Step2 返回前一個視景
Go To Next Extent 移到下一個範圍
Zoom forward to the next extent in the extent history. 移到歷史紀錄中的下一次使用的地圖顯示範圍

Zoom forward to the next extent in the extent history
Create Bookmark 建立書籤
Create a spatial bookmark. 建立空間書籤,紀錄不同視景範圍,方便使用者縮放地圖

Create a spatial bookmark
Step1 點選[建立書籤]
Create a spatial bookmark
Step2 可自訂書籤名稱、左下右上角點坐標,按[OK] 完成儲存。
Zoom To Bookmark 縮放至書籤範圍
Zoom to an existing spatial bookmark. 縮放至已儲存的空間書籤

Zoom to an existing spatial bookmark

Reference to ESRI® ArcPad® 10 Quick Reference